PSTM (Parent - Student - Teacher Meeting)

Parent-Teacher Meeting
Parent teacher meeting is a prominent and notable feature of the school curriculum. The motive is close interaction of parents with teachers with regard to the progress shown by their wards and finding workable solutions to the problems coming in the way of development of their ward. The school also conducts special Parent Teacher Meetings for classes 9th and 10th. It is mandatory for all parents to attend the Parent-Teacher Meeting. In case of an extreme situation where the parent cannot attend, written intimation should be provided. If the child is not making the desired progress, parents are welcome to contact the Principal, Vice Principal, Headmistress, Class Teacher or the concerned Subject Teacher so as to discuss remedial measures that can be taken. Such meetings, however, will be arranged on appointments made through the office of the Principal and on no account should parents contact the teachers in their classrooms directly.
Note : Under no circumstance should parents criticize any teacher in the presence of his/her ward for it adversely affects the overall development of a child to a considerable extent and impedes his/her learning process. The child might develop a critical attitude, get de-motivated and might not accord due respect to elders.
Parent’s Role
  • Parents should ensure that their wards carry the school diary everyday to school.
  • The particulars of their ward in the first two pages should be filled in all respects as soon as the Diary is bought.
  • Parents should see to it that their ward completes the daily assignment. They should also read and sign if any note is sent by the class teacher or the subject teacher. Parents can also communicate with the teacher through the diary. Special pages for the above purpose are provided to be made use of as and when required.
  • Parents should ensure that their ward brings the books/note books as per the schedule everyday.
Orientation Programme for Parents
Creative APEX School conducts an Orientation Programme on the 1st April, for the parents of children newly admitted to the school from classes LKG to V.
The beginning of the academic session is the time for the parents to think of their children’s’ new classes, syllabus, text books, evaluation pattern, roles and responsibilities of the children and parents and many other related matters. To provide appropriate guidelines to the parents and to familiarize them with the school’s principles, philosophy and kind of education imparted, APEX hosts the Orientation Programme.
The Orientation Programme is organized to apprise them of the policy of the school and also equip them with a first hand knowledge of the proposed yearly schedule.
The session facilitates the introduction of school functionaries to the parents and is also useful in answering various other queries that the parent may have. Attendance at the Orientation Programme is mandatory.